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Scope Emissions Reporting
Commercial Fuel Solutions Limited - Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Reporting Certificate
For the Reporting Period: January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023
Scope 1 Emissions: Direct GHG Emissions
Company-owned Ford Ranger truck 2.0L Euro6 powertrain. Primarily running on Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) &
Gas heating at head office.
CO2e Emissions:
455.3 kg CO2e (175.6 litres Diesel + 410 litres RFAS certified HVO)
3968.2 kg CO2e (19841.1 kWh non-renewable gas)
Calculation Method:
Based on fuel consumption and UK Government Greenhouse Gas Conversion Factors for 2023
2024 Strategy:
Operate on 100% RFAS certified HVO
Reduce energy consumption, relocate entirely to new premises operating on 100% renewable energy
Estimated Reductions:
Scope 2 Emissions: Indirect GHG Emissions from Energy Use
Purchased electricity from the grid.
CO2e Emissions:
1678.8kg CO2e
Calculation Method:
Based on electricity usage and UK Government Greenhouse Gas Conversion Factors for 2023
2024 Strategy:
Feed in 10 kWh solar array, introduce carbon reduction policies.
Estimated Reductions:
Based on typical solar irradiance data for the UK
Panel efficiency ~18-20%, Inverter and other losses ~10-15%
Reporting Period Total GHG Emissions (Scope 1 & 2)
CO2e Emissions 6102.4 kg CO2e
Supporting Notes:
The calculations are based on actual energy and fuel consumption data for the reporting period. Emission factors have been sourced from the UK Government's Greenhouse Gas Conversion Factors for 2023. The company has taken steps to reduce its Scope 1 emissions by using HVO, a low-carbon alternative fuel.
Prepared by:
R Futcher, Managing Director, Commercial Fuel Solutions Limited Date: 08/08/24