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Grade F1 Gaseous Hydrogen
Grade F1 Gaseous Hydrogen
Type I, Grade F1 Gaseous Hydrogen as required by internal combustion engines (H2ICE) for transportation and non-road mobile machinery vehicular applications.
With the emergence of H2ICE drive train technologies for vehicular applications, a new hydrogen Grade F1 quality specification has been drafted to ensure the durability of the fuel system, engine, and exhaust after-treatment components where grade A is no longer considered suitable.
In accordance with ISO 14687:2023 Table F for hydrogen quality, grade F1 hydrogen meets the 98% minimum mole fraction with less than 20,000 µmol impurities with specific limits on adulterants and contaminants that could influence performance the engine.
Grade F1 hydrogen is not suitable for mobility fuel cell applications that require Grade C or D hydrogen but can be used in place of Grade F2
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